Meet Lynn and follow her journey
Lynn and Hugh Lloyd-Jones
I lost my beloved Hugh to Alzheimer's on 26 May 2024. I have always wanted to walk the Camino Pilgrimage, as has my friend and neighbour Rosemary, so we decided to undertake the walk together, beginning on 8 May 2025. This will be my first venture into the hiking world proper and walking 199km over ten days at the ripe old age of 70 will be something of a challenge! However, I am determined to stay the course in memory of Hugh and in aid of the Charity which helps other people suffering from the awful disease Alzheimer's and related forms of dementia, the disease which ended Hugh's life in our home on the Island of Cyprus.
I have raised money from sponsorship from kind and generous family and friends and have done pretty well so far, raising more than 1,000 euros for the cause. My walk is totally self-funded so 100% of the funds raised will go to Alzheimer's Cyprus. I am not seeking sponsorship via this website but donations may be made direct to The Cyprus Alzheimer Association. See contact details.
Watch this space for daily blogs along the route.
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